Predictable and Unpredictable

Before, I thought Mr. Ondrej is the one who helps us “warm-up” for Professor Trajal’s class. But now, there is no doubt that Mr. Ondrej’s session is something I will look forward to every morning. Thinking the ball and other exercises were “predictable,” I was totally wrong. “Unpredictable” is one of the perfect words to describe this course. The “ball relaxation” has extended to our upper body rather than just feet. The ball functions as a mini version of “foam roller.” It was more painful than I imagined since the ball’s surface area was way smaller, which means the effort force was stronger that created more pressure on to our bodies. It brought me another acknowledgement of how tense my body is. Nevertheless, I felt the “rolling-up spine” and other “floor” exercises were easier to release the stress from my back. It is difficult (nearly impossible) to massage every part of your back muscle with the ball accurately. Therefore, I did not find the exercise being that efficient. In the “second option” exercise, the feeling of awkwardness and confusion has arisen in me, especially when we need to use different way to perform walking across of the room. I found myself repeating the movement of “bending knees down then kneeling to the floor.” This discovery made me to question about the “realness” within me, whether or not this is something I want to do unconsciously, or it’s because there is an objective from it? As the follower/leader exercise was no longer one person to the other person today, I felt the concept of leading and following has slowly emerged together. It became vague as in everyone was taking both roles at the same time. Although the presentation was not that smooth, I believe the chemistry within our group will become stronger if we could “experience” a little longer.

I was waiting for the moment to perform the combination of two accumulation pieces since from yesterday. I did not expect Professor Trajal asked us to “post-modernized” them at all. Without the phrasing, I thought the overall outcome would definitely look like robot dancing. I was surprised when I watched others work, I found there was somehow an indescribable “smoothness” in between those movements (though they supposedly separated from one another). Moreover, as the post-modern dance focus more on the presentation of the movements rather than the “person” (no dramatic correspondence but there is meaning for sure), I unconsciously closed my eyes while performing, in order to let myself “experience” and concentrate on the movement itself. The “attitude” portion has been taken away that caused the feeling was so different from dancing “This is Thus,” which emphasizes the fluent and the expression of “walking, posing, and gazing.” I can understand how “history” plays such an essential role in dancing from time to time now. I was so glad that I became more relax and comfortable every day to perform in front of other people. I felt we know, no matter what kind of work, it is an art that deserves to be appreciated.

As we have the discussions about Medea, post-modernism, and dramaturgy in today’s lecture, the final part where we started asking question about Professor Trajal’s O’ Medea has struck me the most. I admit that I do not have a strong knowledge on any plays, but I really enjoy to decode the story plot and see how others break down the original structure and recreate it their own. I was so fascinated by the fact that a play could be incorporated to a choreography of dance. It makes me start wondering, is it possible to incorporate a “painting” or a visual art object as well? Also, the contrast of the classical dramaturgy and the post dramatic theater nowadays (having or not having an arc and catharsis) have reminded me about yesterday’s discussion of gender. As far as dancing can throw a branch to the dominant system of sex, it can throw a branch in a historical scale, too. I believe Medea is a play that consists lots of comparison: barbarian action (killing children) vs. civilized action (banishing Medea), female character vs male actor, and powerful vs. powerless… etc. Other than the guessing that my classmates proposed, I am extremely eager to know how Professor Trajal will present. Hopefully, after the class is over, we will have an access to watch the digital version of this incredible artwork.