
I really enjoyed doing the whole voguing scene where we had to showcast our costumes. It was really interesting to see everybody else’s choice of costumes and how each of us perceived Medeea or the Choral. Even more interesting was to imagine how that would be within an actual ballroom scene. I feel like our group was indeed feeling the spirit of the drag community that we have seen in “Paris is burning”. Everybody was shouting and clapping and encouraging whoever was walking, regardless. I really believe that is indeed the spirit of the community that has gotten the drag queens to stick so tightly together and to leave their friends and families in order to enter this community. This sense of unity and lack of judgement offers them a safe space to express themselves the way they weren’t able before and that is what it makes them willing to even assume all those risks within a society which never really accepted them, especially at the beginning of the 70’s when they were all called to be AIDS carriers.  I would really love to actually participate at somepoint in a ballroom scene to have the real experience, but seeing our own short vouge act had realy made me rethink my social affiliation and my own groups that I am part of whether it is academically related or extra-curricular or personal life, now, seeing that, I really feel like no matter what I get involved in, that is indeed the spirit and support I should be looking for, if not, I must be in the wrong place.