Today, during Trajal’s class when we were trying to figure out our dance/perfect it, I have realized how much information our subconscious actually gathers and how much we can actually grasp and develop without being aware of it.
In my case, during the last class of Trajal when he told us we have to prepare a piece I was so confused about what we were supposed to do, so I just started doing lots of research on both voguing and contemporary dance, Judson church and didn’t really prepare anything until today, when, I must admit I wasn’t any less confused about the task. So, I just decided I should just go with whatever I felt like doing. I started thinking about how I could make my costume stand out through my moves, how could I emphasize the transition between post modern dance and voguing, I just looked at myself in the mirror and then the elements just kept coming and coming and suddenly I realized I had indeed made a transition from the two different currents. it was a natural flow, letting go every time I would walk back, turn and change something small out of that standard performative accumulation.
But, what really struck me was the fact that I had realized how much meaning and how many details I have thought out without knowing, only the moment when I actually started explaining them to the class. I had no idea my mind had thought out everything so well, so meaningful, yet I meant every single word I said. Now I am really curious how our subconscious mind works even in our every day lives without us noticing…and more particular, regarding our course, how does it show upon a choreographer’s art work when choosing certain moves.