Honestly, I just wanna reflect this time on something maybe quite obvious, which is the need of knowledge beyond the particular niche field of study in order to truly appreciate your research, in my case, Butoh. Reading a lot and watching videos of Kazu Ohno and especially “Admiring La Argentina” has brought me a great knowledge about Butoh art and performance but it is only when I saw the actual “La Argentina” that I truly understood what it is meant by the “dance of the dead”, it is only then that I saw the true personality/character of this dance (If i may call it like this). It is indeed what I also said today, they way Kazu Ohno performed is exactly what I would indeed imagine of La Argentina doing, once she would rise up from the death, all dressed up in her tango dress, pale because of her bloodless figure, gazing at times at the audience full of all emotions she had lived and gathered along the years while alive.
I don’t really believe that archiving really exists in its true sense. I don’t think there will ever be such thing. You will never be able to relieve exactly what those spectators have felt at that particular moment in time and history and space when they saw Kazu Ohno live. We will never be able to relate to it the way people did back then and most importantly, we will never be able to Archive Kazu Ohno’s choreography and what he taught of it. I would be very curious to understand how Kazu Ohno really thought of Butoh and whether he would consider that his way of archiving “La Argentina” would be appropriate to be archived through my perspective.