Exploration & Risk

Even though I was somewhat preparing for an unusual type of class for today, throughout the first movement class I could not help but feel a bit out of place – this is not to say that it was not interesting or unpleasant, but rather that I did not have a clear idea of what I was supposed to do. I wish I had immediately taken this as an opportunity to experiment. However, in the unexpected moments I found myself holding back from risking, or at least limiting myself.

In today’s choreographic workshop, with Trajall telling the story of his own career, I was fascinated by the fact that he seemed to not have this fear of risking at all, especially considering how original and unconventional his ideas were at the time. There were people joining the minimalistic movement in different parts of the world, however, as he himself said, the people from his own environment thought he was “the weirdest person.” Yet, it was this fearlessness of the negative feedback that actually allowed him to delve into this whole new area of his, which became his focus later on.

Completely unrelated to the theme of risk, the reading by Stuart Hall made me think more about the fluidity of meaning – as Hall puts it, the meaning “floats” and is influenced by inter-subjectivity. Every movement or image not only signifies something, but also produces many meanings at the same time, which can, however, be fixed with what Hall calls a ‘preferred meaning.’