The first movement class started the class off very strongly for me. During the Follower/Leader exercise, I felt more freedom than I have in a long time. In life, I generally struggle with trust and I hate the feeling of losing control. I was expecting to struggle with being a follower, but I actually found […]
Predictable and Unpredictable
I expected this class to be unpredictable, hence it became somewhat predictable in that the unpredictability was expected. My expectations of what this class would entail were only met to the extent that I knew that it would be a different teaching/learning method and a challenge distinct from the ordinary I face in my classes […]
Predictable and Unpredictable
Before, I thought Mr. Ondrej is the one who helps us “warm-up” for Professor Trajal’s class. But now, there is no doubt that Mr. Ondrej’s session is something I will look forward to every morning. Thinking the ball and other exercises were “predictable,” I was totally wrong. “Unpredictable” is one of the perfect words to […]