Every performance lasts the just moments, but its preparation – the whole eternity. Eternity not in a sense of long lasting rehearsals, but in the emotional state its process requires. An artist is constantly searching for inspiration, tries new things out, falls and stays up again in pursuit for the desired result. Usually I do […]
What is Dance without Performance?
The activities we did in Ondrej’s class felt more comfortable than yesterday, especially the partner activity that one person has to close their eyes and the other has to lead them to move to other space in the room. Yesterday, some classmates said that they felt relaxed, to a point where they forgot that there […]
Second Thought
My favorite part of today’s dance class with Ondrej was ‘second-option’. I was initially confused about what second-option meant—are we expected to predict our future? But then I realized it shouldn’t be taken literally and the main focus should be on deliberately creating an unconventional (in my perspective) flow of movements. It took me a lot […]
What do you see?
My stage fright has been my constant companion for any kind of performance throughout my entire life—regardless of whether by ‘stage’ I mean a 600 seat auditorium or my bedroom, in front of my friends to sing. I think my fear stemmed from the pursuit of perfectionism and others’ judgments that entail if I fail. […]