
What I love about Professor Harrell is the way he values us as artists, despite our lack of knowledge and experience in dance. Whenever he talks to us, I see only passion and genuineness to share his stories and philosophy about dance in his eyes, and no trace of any judgment for our imperfections. I […]


Today, during Trajal’s class when we were trying to figure out our dance/perfect it, I have realized how much information our subconscious actually gathers and how much we can actually grasp and develop without being aware of it. In my case, during the last class of Trajal when he told us we have to prepare […]


In the movement class today, we ended the session by working on the “leader and follower” exercise, and I noticed that as a group we started to create a certain flow which just went in a singular direction when we changed the “leader”. In the way that we, as a collective, have resonated with what […]


When Ondrej told us to hold our partner’s hands and walk around the room, he might not have anticipated such liveliness. Maybe, he may have anticipated more activity. What we presented to the movement class instructor is unique to the specific batch of j-term students at the particular time. No other group of students or […]