The main idea of this course is of course the choreography and meaning of movement approached not only through a performance, but throughout the perception of life. We already spent an appropriate amount of time exploring different patterns of moving starting from thinking, researching, writing and reading and ending up with breathing, letting our bodies […]
Exploration & Risk
Even though I was somewhat preparing for an unusual type of class for today, throughout the first movement class I could not help but feel a bit out of place – this is not to say that it was not interesting or unpleasant, but rather that I did not have a clear idea of what […]
Playfulness and Exploration
Being a part of the exercise where one leads and the other follows as they are moving around the space in different ways and switching their roles was what fully engaged me in Ondrej’s workshop today. The sense of playfullness, excitement and unpredictability of what the next move of your partner or your own would […]
As a second day of class, I experienced even more content than yesterday while participating in Ondrej’s workshop as I had the chance to partner up with a great ‘leader’ during the partners’ dance exercise. What made the experience most fulfilling was the joy and excitement that the other person brought into the exercise as […]
Exploration / Risk
Reading Martha Graham’s words in Trajal’s class moved me. She talks about the creative force within us as a “Vitality, an energy, a quickening…” I think it is of immense importance to pay attention to what moves us. Personally, I use this as an indicator that it has meaning to me, even if I don’t fully […]
Today’s “somatic and physical” dance lesson seemed to focus more on the relaxation part rather than the exploration of our body. “Remember to breathe. Breathe in, and then slowly breathe out.” Mr. Ondrej emphasized “our breathe” multiple time throughout the exercises. This reminded me that my coach has told me the way how we breathe […]