I decided pretty randomly who I was going to interview. Beforehand I had talked with Augusté about working together, but Katrin became my partner. Then we hoped for the Black Box, but got the costume shop assigned to us. Two aspects of the interview were completely changed and, as I have learned over the past […]
Audience / Facing The Front / Confrontation / Humor / Failure
There was a reason for why I did not want to be the first person to walk down the runway, namely that I was not prepared. However, I decided to just walk and let the thoughts come as soon as I arrived at the end, facing the audience. There they sat: a professor, choreographer, dancer, […]
Keeping It Going / Pacing
On Friday, there was one particular moment that struck me during Ondrej’s movement class. Yuki and I were partners for the pair lead and follow exercise but the feeling during the exercise was much deeper than what I had expected it to be. This time Yuki and I were partners with the only difference between […]
Predictable And Unpredictable / Expectation
Augusté and I paired up to do the Touch-Move exercise. It was an interesting experience I don’t remember isolating parts of my body in such a way before. Again, it was a challenge because the movement had to be initiated by the part of the body that was touched. Specifically, after Ondrej talked about how it is […]
How Can I Simplify All Of This?
Today, my body and mind were challenged immensely through the Second Chance exercise. My biggest takeaway from Fundamentals of Acting was to always follow my impulse, yet this game forced me to reject what I had learned in order to challenge myself. Moving across that floor had never felt so difficult because I was constantly second guessing if the […]
In today’s movement class, we started off with many of the same exercises that we did yesterday. Although for some this might seem irritating, it helped me by being able to compare my body and its relaxedness to yesterday. Moreover, I feel as though this repetition is extremely helpful in the sense that it builds […]
Other Bodies / States
I came into class feeling tired and extreme tightness in my body but over the course of the movement class, I grew more and more relaxed and in tune with my body as well as with the group. One principle that I always go by is doing what feels good, as to not harm my […]