
This course becomes more and more interesting after we record our observations on the showing of O’Medea. This is the first time I find writing notes is difficult; it was hard for me to balance my focus and concentration. In the beginning, I tried to write observations from a wider scale but then, I narrowed […]

Cut and Paste

As the course continues, my observations started to be broader and wider in scale. I started to not only observe my movements but also my peers’ movements and performance. I can see that our movements changed over time and still, some are originated from the first movements performed in the first class. In other words, […]

Performance Space

As I was choosing my objects and clothing in the costume shop, I depicted the selected items as extra accessories that will help in portraying the character of Medea. As we started to choreograph a sequence of movements, I started to observe the real usage and significance of the overall costume and selected items. When […]


In the movement class, I was on a confusion state when performing and doing movements. The touching body part exercise was interesting, it challenged my thinking. Basically, the touching exercise was all about starting to move your body with first moving the body part that has been touched by the partner. The person who is […]

How and What

After and during the movement class, I had different thoughts and observations on movements and meaning. For example, when we were told to make different movements in crossing the room exercise. I noticed that my movements were repetitive. I was just using my legs to make a movement. However, when we closed our eyes and […]

Breaking the Rules

Before starting taking this course, I felt a bit afraid because this type of class is different than any other class I took. This course revolves around moving, dancing, thinking, and reading. However, the morning dancing class vanished these feelings. In the dancing class, we were allocated in a comfy environment where we can be […]