
Honestly, I just wanna reflect this time on something maybe quite obvious, which is the need of knowledge beyond the particular niche field of study in order to truly appreciate your research, in my case, Butoh. Reading a lot and watching videos of Kazu Ohno and especially “Admiring La Argentina” has brought me a great […]


Today, watching Kazu Ohno’s “Admiring La Argentina” I have come back to an old thought of what is indeed art? I have really started to compare the popular art and the more “niche” type of art such as contemporary dancing, classical music, contemporary music, abstract paintings and, today particularly, Butoh. When I discovered the true […]


Today, during Trajal’s class when we were trying to figure out our dance/perfect it, I have realized how much information our subconscious actually gathers and how much we can actually grasp and develop without being aware of it. In my case, during the last class of Trajal when he told us we have to prepare […]


I really enjoyed doing the whole voguing scene where we had to showcast our costumes. It was really interesting to see everybody else’s choice of costumes and how each of us perceived Medeea or the Choral. Even more interesting was to imagine how that would be within an actual ballroom scene. I feel like our […]


  The second move experiment made me realize (only today) how homogenized we are by the society. I have never thought about the fact that I could walk differently on the street because it would definitely look “out of the ordinary” and people would stare at me for sure. I remember walking several times down […]

Hoarding/Beginnings-Day 4

  Today, in Ondrej’s class, it struck me how movement can influence us in so many ways, it almost feels as if it can manipulate us. We all, immediately, started following the pattern that the first leader had settled in terms of form and style of movements; we all immediately started following the pattern of […]

Breaking the rules-Day 2

  This morning, during Ondrej’s class I couldn’t help but think of what we have discussed the day before about the neutral pose and about how each of us has in the end their own neutral pose. I was analyzing people’s movements when we were standing, thinking that those exercises/the dancing are/is indeed perceived as […]

Expectation-Day 1

I particularly enjoyed the idea of focusing on my own body, the small parts such as my feet, my toes, the weight that I am putting on them. It made me be very aware of my physical presence which I usually disregard in my every day life and focus more on the outer surroundings. Also, […]