I expected this class to be unpredictable, hence it became somewhat predictable in that the unpredictability was expected. My expectations of what this class would entail were only met to the extent that I knew that it would be a different teaching/learning method and a challenge distinct from the ordinary I face in my classes […]
I am inclined to believe that it changes my whole day starting out with with Ondrej’s movement class. Beginning with simple stretches as we had the previous day, I witnessed a certain comfort in the knowingness and predictability of what was happening. There was a certain comfort in the predictability and familiarity with Ondrej’s instructions, […]
Breaking the rules
During the morning class I was challenged to break the “rules” of my own mind. In the second-chance exercise we were asked to move along the floor by making the move we would make secondly after not making the move we would initially make. This required a certain self-awareness that I could feel conflicting with […]
Today I was inspired to think differently about my body parts in motion. Having to move from a very particular part of the body I initially thought was a odd and impossible task. I convinced myself that I was moving from parts of my body that are physically impossible – like when being touched on […]
Exploration / Risk
Reading Martha Graham’s words in Trajal’s class moved me. She talks about the creative force within us as a “Vitality, an energy, a quickening…” I think it is of immense importance to pay attention to what moves us. Personally, I use this as an indicator that it has meaning to me, even if I don’t fully […]
Today we were to explain our choice of costume to the class. I was impressed as my peers articulately conveyed their thoughts behind their costume and how it related to their chosen category of character. It is fascinating how we all had created different costumes for the same categories. We of course interpret the characters […]
Music / Silence
Today some of us watched Kazuo Ohno’s “Admiring La Argentina”. We first watched the piece without music and then with. I noticed a major change in my experience as an audience between the two viewings. Watching the dance without music I had more difficult time focusing on the performance. I also think this has something […]
It’s amazing how comfortable we have grown with each other throughout the course of this class. This is easily sensed in the laughter accompanying the group formation exercise. We have repeatedly done this exercise which has always resulted in some laugher but initially more so coming from an insecurity of the fear of doing it […]