The main idea of this course is of course the choreography and meaning of movement approached not only through a performance, but throughout the perception of life. We already spent an appropriate amount of time exploring different patterns of moving starting from thinking, researching, writing and reading and ending up with breathing, letting our bodies be free, preparing costumes and actually performing. I want to share one of the reasons why at this point I believe I have made a correct decision while choosing this class and that everything we have done so far was definitely worth it.
Today during the ending task with Ondrej I had a conscious feeling that all of us have improved a lot. Freedom of body, thoughts and openness to follow my team was everything I had. We became one whole and much closer then usual. We wanted to complement each other and I believe we had a mutual feeling of being proud both to lead and to follow. I appreciate that Ondrej did not allow us to laugh, because I found it disturbing also during previous classes. Thus, we felt ourselves more responsible for how and what we were doing. I also noticed that many people were creating extraordinary movements, which was a really rare issue before.
Complete satisfaction reached me on the last “Arctic Monkeys” song, which I guess many of us knew. When it happened that leading shifted with a beginning of new couplet or chorus leaders surrendered themselves to the rhythm and created the movements appropriate for that exact part. The amount of endorphins in my body significantly increased. Either slowing down or speeding up, going down or up, running or staying on one position – everything fascinated me and gave a realizing that I am in the right moment, in the right place and doing exactly what I need to do.