Struggles and Pleasure

Ondrey’s class has now a special meaning for my personality and the inner world of mine. As the tasks become more performative and extraordinary it becomes more complicated for me to be open to the people around me and to myself as well. I always care about my appearance and realize immediately when I do not look the way I would like to. This often interfaces with my creative ideas and a desire to feel the freedom. Every time during crossing the room performing the second option, which is so hard for me to find out I overcome the fear of being not beautiful, clumsy or ineffective. Even now writing this I am ashamed to accept it, but I try to be honest with myself first of all. In order to get rid of the limitations, a one needs to admit their existence.

My wish to connect my life with theater came to me during my early childhood, when every time visiting our friends, who run their wedding and carnival dresses studio I spent the entire time there. Exploring the costumes I thought about the plot of the play, which I and the other children had to perform to the parents at the end of the evening. This was kind of obligatory ritual to perform and I don’t remember a thing which made me more exited then this. That’s why today the feeling of complete nostalgia overwhelmed me. I knew approximately how I want my character to look like and thought about my mise en scène yesterday. Researching the clothes I thought about “how” and “what” and tried to match imagination with the choice we were provided with. I hope to modify my idea and that the final result will satisfy my expectations.

I never thought about the cultural appropriation so deeply before, but its ardent discussion during the class pushed me to make my opinion concerning this topic. It seems obvious, that the issue of cultural appropriation is faced everyday and everywhere starting from the food, clothing and ending up with habits and traditions. I think so far it is inevitable as the majority of things are disputed by the question of “who copies whom”. I think it is often about the coincidence, when one culture is traditionally famous for appropriate things, while for example a child from absolutely different culture who has no access to this information yet would think of, use or adopt the same idea. Then, would one be blamed for plagiarism or need to give credits to that culture? Moreover, I find the share of cultures useful, as for example the subjects that one culture has created thanks to the background, values, weather or available resources would never be the creation of the other culture and vice-versa. However, the ingenious and convenience of this subject will be appreciated by both of the cultures. The only thing I would require is respectfulness to the creators and avoidance of giving out someone else’s ideas for the own ones.