Broadening the Mind

Day 2 with Ondrej seemed very similar in the structure of the previous class, however, was different for my perception. The Ondrej’s expectations considering the class directed on students being rather free, relaxed and not so tight in their actions and emotions did not coincide with my feelings. Although the intersubjectivity between others was common and full of freedom, I, in my turn, felt it much better yesterday. The position I was staying in the circle prevented me from seeing the choreographer which made me a little confused and uncomfortable, I could not enjoy the process with my eyes closed as much either. Interesting observation, I underlined for myself how the external factors influence my state, which is definitely worth to be battled. Also, I noticed the importance of biowaves with the partner during the “leading-following” part. Without the proper interconnection, the task does not seem to have any sense.

What my brain focused on during the Trajal’s today’s class is the interpretation of the voguing in the creation of his own piece. Taking the best from the voguing he proposed it as pedestrianism, walking and posing through the runway which is a perfect and simple combination in the way it is performed, however, very deep and complicated in its creation. The concept of gender plays the main role in this performance and naturalism is what is supposed to be shown. It starts with a state of mind – how a person feels like and who he or she is identifying himself like.

In the discussion with Professor Levine, I firstly descried gender from a new point of view. I often considered gender very related to sex but now I realize the second one is not just a biological distinction between male and female but a path of social constructs and stereotypes which are the reasons a certain gender is accepted in a certain way. The performativity of how one behaves and instructs his body strongly depends on the background and the imposed stereotypes. Judith Butler theory, earlier also mentioned by Trajal, shouts about breaking the social judgments but encourages to follow realness in all its meanings.