Reading Martha Graham’s words in Trajal’s class moved me. She talks about the creative force within us as a “Vitality, an energy, a quickening…”
I think it is of immense importance to pay attention to what moves us. Personally, I use this as an indicator that it has meaning to me, even if I don’t fully understand what that is yet – and I never will if I don’t pay attention to it.
This inexpressible thing inside us, Trajal almost personified it in an attempt to describe it to us. It was crystal clear that he was talking from experiential knowledge.
He emphasized that no one can see it or touch it – no one can take it away from you.
I appreciate the symbolic act of balling up the paper multiple times as a way of conveying this point. Not even Martha’s wise words can sum up what uniqueness is inside you, and just you.
It was anextraordinary and inspiring to feel the confidence he had in us as artists. I think this confidence is reflected in the style of the class style. The non-rigidness and time to work at our own pace nurtures creativity. The non-judgmental attitude amongst my peers further enhances this. When in Ondrej’s class having to move to the beat of the music and our bodily feeling, I no longer compare myself to my peers worrying about whether there’s a right or wrong way of moving. I am inwardly focused, exploring my inner life through movement.
Reflecting on this reminds me of what I read by Katherine Profeta saying that performers should not worry so much about how they are going to activate the audience. She writes:
“Between the ignorant schoolmaster and the emancipated novice there is always a third thing.” The third thing that is not owned by anyone, but requires the creative force within both parties.
Martha talks about the about blocking “it”, then it will not exist in the world. I think creativity is innate within all of us and self-expression is also part of being human. Observing my 4 year old brother’s expressive paintings I am assured of this.
It is both ironic and saddening how creativity is seemingly very valued in the world, but we have created a society that quashes creativity. I once had a teacher who phrased it this way: “We are told to think outside the box but taught how to think inside of it.”
My tendency to value creativity due to the quantifyable product of improved cognitive functioning, motor skills etc. I think is a culturally conditioned and destructive thinking.
But if I dig deeper, I know that what really matters is not the symptom of smartness, but that this capability is one of those things that make us human and exploring and developing it further enriches the human experience. I am reminded of the intrinsic value of art – how it has that ability to inspire deeper meanings, make us imagine and aspire.
Certainly I will not forget Trajal’s words and the passion in his eyes when he told us that no one sees the world the same way and for this reason all creations are unique.
I am coming to see the arts as more than a mere hobby and rather an artist being someone who has developed a passion for a form of creation that facilitates self-expression and ones way of perceiving the world. In Martha’s words; it makes you feel more alive. My words: Explore your inner world of creativity!