In the movement class, I was on a confusion state when performing and doing movements. The touching body part exercise was interesting, it challenged my thinking. Basically, the touching exercise was all about starting to move your body with first moving the body part that has been touched by the partner. The person who is been touched by the partner is laying down on the floor with his/her eyes closed while the other partner is touching a body part. Before starting the exercise, I first thought that this exercise will be simple and easy. However, when my eyes were closed and started to feel the touch, I simply moved the touched body part. In a second trial, I felt that other body parts are involuntarily moving. Then, I got confused about how to control these body parts who unconsciously and simultaneously move with the touched part. I acknowledge that these simple movements challenged me a lot. I am reaching the point where I am starting to view simple things with a more complicated lens by overthinking and analyzing small details. Moreover, Ondrej’s statement about our movements should not be big really confused me because if they are not big, they might be undetectable. Basically, this left me with question marks about movements “what is movement? should it be observable?” and “Would staying paused consider to be a movement?”. I am curious!
Trajal’s class was a great experience. I can call it a “research” for this course. When I started this course I was a bit bored because we had these readings to do, and questions, such ass “ how movements and dancing are important? and why?”, started to jump on my head. Moreover, when we went to the costume shop, I used my knowledge about “Postmodernism era” when creating my costume. I looked for contrastive clothing where there is no matching. I think it will be awkward and ugly but at the same time, attractive. For example, I chose a simple red skirt which looks vintage, a flowery hat, and a feathery scarf with a disco shiny T-shirt. The disco shiny T-shirt broke the style and the pattern and by doing this, I am trying to do is to build contrast and put the emphasis. I am curious about the audience’s reaction to my combinations.
Today’s lecture mostly revolved around culture appropriation. This reminds me of a conversation I had with my friend about Cardi B. Bodak Yellow song. In this song, Cardi dressed in the UAE traditional clothes but in a more fashion and attractive way. Basically, I found this irritating because she presented the traditional clothes in an inappropriate way. However, my friend debated with this and she viewed this differently. Her view was centralized on the person who is wearing the clothes and not how the traditional clothes are presented. Her remark was interesting; she said that she will be offended if an Emirati woman was in Cardi B’s place. So I was a bit convinced by her perspective, and I am curious about people’s opinion of whether they see Cardi B’ dressing is inappropriate or appropriate. I believe most of them will first say it is inappropriate but think about what my friend said. Lastly, I am curious about whether I will observe any culture appropriation in tomorrow’s costumes and also curious about my reactions. I love all of you guys and I am not going to judge anyone. I am just curious and this runaway will be part of my research about cultural appropriation.
Cardi B Bodak Yellow video: